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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Doing Disney Pt 1: The Packing Plan

   Doing Disney Pt 1: The Packing Plan

Okay, so never did I think that people would actually read this thing- but since you all are here I'm going to put it to good use! I am going to start talking about going to Disney World with littles If you follow me on any other social media then you know we have been lucky enough to venture to Disney World a few times with Nolan. Every single time is a new experience and is more fun than the last. The more he grows, the more fun he has! I'm no expert by any means, but every once in a while I will share my tips and suggestions for taking a little one to the most magical place on earth! 

Depending on the age of your little mouse and how long you are planning on staying, the luggage alone could need it's own room at a resort. Obviously you need the basics (clothes, diapers, wipes, socks, shoes) but I will share the 3 most important tips about packing for Disney World I can pass along!

1. Plan for any kind of weather. Of course you will check the forecast a million times before your big trip but you never know what is going to happen. When they say it's windy, they mean it at Disney. It's probably best to bring clothes for any type of weather that the season could bring. We usually go in winter but I pack enough shorts and pants for both. 
*Bring your baby a rain jacket* Disney does not sell kid's rain jackets anywhere, we looked for an entire afternoon one day. They do allow umbrellas in the park too! 

One day you're bundled up
the next you are in shorts

2. Bring a backpack/diaper bag with you to the park.
Be sure to include snacks and drinks in this bag for the day! Uncrustables (ya know the PB&J sandwiches) are $6 EACH inside the parks. Get a box before you come and save a lot of money by packing them in your bags for a snack! 
I also include: sunglasses, sunscreen, hat  (aka the fair skin people essentials), water bottle, oragel, tide to go, chapstick, tylenol for you and them, wipes because you never know, hand sanitizer, aquaphor, change of clothes, iPad and portable phone charger. Also anything else your child will need if they are sleepy or need to be entertained while waiting in a line for a ride. If you are still changing diapers I would suggest a changing mat &/or clorox wipes because the baby stations inside the restrooms have hundreds of little butts on them a day. 

3. Your stroller is your best friend. I have a Britax B-Agile stroller and it's so great for Disney. It folds up in a breeze and is very light so taking it on the buses and boats is very easy! I also bring a stroller fan (they sell them in the parks too) for when it's really hot and it's time for a stroller nap. Be sure your stroller has an identifying characteristic like a luggage tag or monogram because Disney is a sea of strollers and the last thing you want is to get into a theme park war over who a stroller belongs to. They also have stroller rentals and for some people this is a better option because you don't have to fool with them once you leave the park. 

Some other random things I bring in my suitcase with me that always make the trip better: surge protector so all phones/ipads get charged, bath tub toys so he will actually want to take a bath even though he's exhausted from a 12 hour day, BLANKETS because the resort rooms are freezing cold. 

Obviously there is so much more to cover but I will go by different topics as I post! It's so important to research everything before you take your first visit to Disney World with little ones. Planning out the day with what to bring and where you are going can try and save time and a little sanity! 
